GTL: Plaid & Leather
My first outfit post after baby - YAY! I did a bit of online shopping just before Alice was born in anticipation of being able to wear normal clothes again, haha. I pulled a Kali and hit up Chicwish, which is where I scored this amazing jacket that I've already worn on more than one occasion (like here).
I'm also SO happy to show off my new clutch from Leah Lerner. How great is this beauty? The leather is gorgeous and I'm so happy with this pop of yellow. Check out another close-up picture here, and have a peek at Leah's online shop for some holiday sales!

PS - Have you entered our AH-MAZING giveaways with Jilly's and Boden yet? We've got $300 in Gift Cards we're giving away! Check it out HERE to enter! XO