The Best of 2016 Bloopers: Part 1

As we get closer and closer to the New Year I've been reflecting on 2016 and everything that's happened both personally and professionally - it's been a big year! That being said, sometimes it's god to look back and laugh at yourself. Sure on the blog I try to post the best and the most attractive photos but for honesty's sake here - there's always WAAAY more awful and hilarious photos than there are good ones. 

One of my favourite bloggers here in Edmonton Sandy from The Pretty Secrets puts together a bloopers post every year and they always crack me up. So I'm giving full credit to her for this idea but this year I thought I'd share a few of my own. Enjoy. lol

"I wasn't ready!"

 I noticed many photos where I'd be adjusting my clothes, talking, sneezing, whatever - basically, I just wasn't ready and unfortunately for me, James was there with the camera going and he caught the moment!

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Above: Taking photos for my first writeup in CreekLife Magazine, James caught me mid shirt/bra adjustment....classy...

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Above: I'm not quite sure what was happening here but clearly I wasn't ready. That being said we did get a few good shots eventually that were perfect for my post sharing my best tips for hosting a stagette!

Below: Yikes. lol I loved the location we shot at for this post but clearly I was having some issues haha

I whip my hair back and forth

Much like the "I wasn't ready" photos, there are many a pictures of me adjusting, flipping, twirling and all around fussing with my hair which can make for some pretty amusing photos.

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Above: Herman kept it together while James caught the perfect hair toss as we were shooting this post about the best ways to relax at home.

Below: This was a double whammy of ridiculousness with a shot caught mid hair flip with my eyes closed. What a beauty <insert sarcasm here>

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blogger bloopers

As you can see - hair flipping, adjusting and twirling is a part of pretty much every shoot....

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blogger bloopers

And for some reason, a lot of the time I get a very serious look on my face while I do it. Hair adjustments are serious business obviously! lol

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Eyes wide shut

I have quite the habit of taking photos with my eyes totally shut. They definitely do not make for good blog photos.

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Sometimes to add a bit of flair I cock my wrist or wave my hand to really add to my eyes closed photos - so fabulous! ;) 

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blogger bloopers

Sometimes I just sit on the floor and casually hold my cup of coffee, smiling with my eyes shut and other times, you'll find me strutting up the stairs, head to the side and of course, eyes closed. lol

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blogger bloopers
blogging bloopers

Sometimes I manage to look alright but Herman can't keep his eyes open! If it's not one of us, it's the other...but usually me, just smiling like a weirdo with my eyes shut


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blog bloopers

I hope you enjoyed this embarrassing trip down memory lane. While I usually love while you pin my posts - feel free to skip these ;) bahaha

Stay tuned later in the week when I'll be sharing some more ridiculous, unattractive and all around embarrassing photos for your viewing enjoyment!