Sarah's Holiday Gift Guide

It's time for the second instalment of our holiday gift guide! Today I'm breaking down some choice goodies that any lady (or gent?) would love. Pretty accessories and decor must-haves are always at the top of my list and this time of year just screams for white and gold. Add a few sparkles here and there, and you're set! Happy shopping!

Ps- I can't help but brag that my bestie was lucky enough to receive these amazing gifts from some of the fabulous ladies in her life for her birthday last weekend. They spotted them on Diana's Gift Guide! Thanks ladies!! Mwah!!

1. Ban.Do Sparkle and Shine Bobby Pin Set 2. Lux Twist Faux Fur Snood 3. Rose Dandilion Bib 4. Time Teller Acetate Watch 5. St. Jude Glass Knot Paperweights 6. Brass Peacock and Squirrel Letter Openers 7. Get It Girl Pillow 8. Twinkle Glitter Clutch 9. Crystal Leaves Earrings 10. Crystal Venus Flytrap Earrings 11. Holiday Toppings Polish Git Set