Coup Collab: Set Up

A little while back Anna and Nga, the lovely ladies who own the fabulous Coup Garment Boutique asked if we could give them a little hand with some holiday decor. Using their to-die-for space as a canvas, and going for simple yet impactful- our mission was to get their space holiday ready in time for their annual holiday fete.

The three of us ladies put our heads together and came up with a plan involving a little bit of taxidermy (yes, I said taxidermy), some DIY, a bit of glam, and enlisting help from one of our favorite stores- Jilly's!

In just over a week we came up with a few ideas involving DIY tassel garland, wrapping as many boxes as we could get our hands on, craning our necks to hang pretty festive ornaments from chandeliers, and using sparkly lights to create a stunning display. A HUGE thank you to Jilly's who donated the live and lit wreaths, flameless candles, a tree and other decor that made the space complete- it wouldn't be the same if we didn't have your help!

So here's a peek at some of our set up photos. Enjoy!

Like what you see? We hope so! Check back this afternoon when we show you the stunning photos of the space fully completed!

XO, 204 Park