Merry Christmas from 204 Park

Merry Christmas Eve internet friends! Tis the season for staying cozy in your pjs, drinking hot cocoa, watching Christmas movies (Love Actually anyone?!) and spending time with family and friends.  We're taking a few days off but don't be too sad, we'll be back on Monday! In the meantime, we thought we'd share a few more fun photos from our one year "bloggiversary" party and Christmas shoot! Wishing you all the happiest and merriest of Christmases, whatever your plans may be!! 

happy holidays
merry christmas
204 Park Christmas
204 Park

If you're looking for a little extra reading, why don't you check out a few of these holiday related blasts from the past......

Glitter bomb explosion from our Holiday Party Popper DIY that would be perfect for a New Years Party!

DIY Party Popper

Holiday entertaining inspiration from one of our first "Get The Look" posts

Holiday Entertaining

Holiday makeup inspiration from our collab with Jen Bagnariol - check out Diana's, Kali's and Sarah's looks!


Much love to you all and a very happy holidays from all of us ladies at 204 Park!