Giving Back in YEG: Cinderella's Closet

After heading home for Easter a few weekends back, I got a mom-timatum (mom ultimatum) that I either had to take my grad dress home with me, or she was going to get rid of it for me.

I snatched up my frou-frou pink gown, along with my sisters sleek grey varietal, and will be donating them to Cinderella’s Closet. This is an Edmonton based foundation that donates grad essentials to those who need it most. We all remember how fun it was to play princess for the day; hair, makeup, and of course the dress. For some this isn't the reality, and Cinderella's closet is a great place to help out so every young woman can have the opportunity to feel equally as special on their big day. If you would like to donate, dresses are accepted at the following locations:

Bridal Debut Suite 2B-153 Pembina Rd, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 0B9

Refinery Clothing Co. 14263-23 ave NW Edmonton, AB T6R-3E7

Kid's Stuff Etc. 5212 86 St NW, Edmonton, AB T6E 5J6

Page the Cleaner (Main Depot)

Chartreuse Décor Ltd.28-171 Broadway Blvd. Sherwood Park, AB

The website does ask that to arrange a drop off you contact Donna Cox 780-955-3673. 


If you don’t have your dress but still want to help out they are also looking for accessories, hair product, disposable cameras and more. Check it all out on their website here

Now for your viewing pleasure on a Monday morning, here are some snaps from my Graduation. We don't need to say how many years ago this was, but pastels were all the rage.