Beauty DIY: Tumeric Face Mask

Beauty alert: I've got a new beauty necessity and I found it in my pantry! Tumeric is a pretty powerful plant that has a myriad of health benefits. Tumeric is full of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which not only are beneficial when used in foods but also works externally when used in this easy DIY face mask.

This mask could not be easier to make and needs only three simple ingredients: 1 tsp each of turmeric, yoghurt and organic honey. This mask will brighten your skin, help erase redness and uneven tone, reduce the appearance of acne scars and help fight and reduce under eye circles as well!  Use this mask a few times a week to see results and combat any skin troubles or once a week if you just want to maintain a healthy glow. If you have leftover mask, cover it up and place it in the fridge for up to 3 days to use again.

Once you've mixed the three ingredients together, make sure your face is clean and all makeup is removed, tie your hair back, make sure you're wearing an old shirt (turmeric can stain fabrics easily) and you're ready to apply.  Use a foundation brush (I have one that I use just for masks) or your fingers and apply a thin even layer all over your skin. You don't need to layer it on too thick as it may make it harder to remove. Make sure to get under your eyes to fight dark circles and I tried to avoid getting too close to my hairline so the turmeric wouldn't make my hair yellow!

diy face mask

Leave on for about 15-20 minutes until dry then wash it off with a warm washcloth. Do you look a little crazy with it on? Yes. (See above for evidence) But is it worth it? Totally. Enjoy your 20 minutes of looking kinda cray and know that the results are totally amazing.  My skin felt so smooth and soft and after using it a few times, I feel like my complexion is already more clear and even.  

If you wash the mask off and the turmeric has left a yellow tinge on your skin don't freak out. I was worried this would happen to me but surprisingly it didn't but using a toner and makeup remover will remove any yellow tone if that happens and then you'll be ready to show off your radiant skin.

Let us know if you give this a try, or if you have any other DIY beauty tricks we should try!