Sweet Saturday

I love the weekends. Saturdays at our place usually involve brunch with family or friends, a trip to the farmers market, a walk outdoors and some quality time together for James and I (oh, and Herman too- obvi!)

As we get into the warmer months you'll probably notice that shorts aren't really my jam. They never have been but dresses on the other hand are my go-tos in the spring and summer. I'll often get asked why I'm "so dressed up" or "fancy" because I wear dresses so often but the truth is, I find them way more comfortable in the summer, especially with a dress like this one from Rafaella.  Plus - can we just take a minute and appreciate that any dress with pockets gets an A+ in my books! 

Basically, a dress to me is like sweatpants comfort wise, and all it takes are a few little pieces to dress it up or, just stick to it as is and you've got (in this case) a soft, comfy dress that ties in at the waist and is perfect for a lazy day of brunching and errands, which is exactly what I did! 

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edmonton fashion blog
edmonton style blog

DETAILS: Shoes old, similar here // Bag // Dress c/o // Belt // Hat  // Necklace c/o

Thank you to Rafaella for sponsoring this post. As always, all thoughts and opinions are 100% my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that support this blog! XO

Check out Rafaella for 30% OFF sitewide until monday! 

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