Thanks For The Ride!

Hey loves! I have a little bit of an announcement today. It's with a bit of a heavy heart and at the same time, a bit of excitement, that I tell you that today will be my last blog post here at 204 Park. I know- whaaaat!

As much as I love this blog and what Diana, Kali and I have grown over the past year and a half, I've decided to focus more time on the little love of my life, Alice. She's truly the busiest little bee that I know! 

I'm going to miss this little (big) blog a ton, and what I think I'll miss the most is the fun camaraderie between my girls and the amaaaazing (emphasis on amazing, lol) people that I've met through 204 Park. Local loves and online friends alike, you're all what has kept me inspired all this time! You best believe that I'll be continuing to follow you all and cheer you on. 

I'm sad to be leaving something that has brought so much fun to my life for so long, but I'm also excited to start a new chapter and leave 204 Park in Diana's ridiculously capable hands. So to all of you who have followed along and have been such fabulous supporters, I love you long time and thank you! xoxo! 

204 Park