Create An Online Vision Board for the Best Year Ahead!

Well it's the second Monday of the New Year but for many of us I know that today is sort of the first day 'back to reality'. Kids go back to school today, many businesses go back to full regular hours today and lots of my friends who own their own businesses are back to the grind today after a few weeks off. 

Last week I shared a few of my goals and intentions for the year and I mentioned that rather than trying to change ALL THE THINGS all at once, that this year I'm looking to make slow, small and consistent changes to achieve my goals for the year. So throughout the year as I make those changes and focus again on my intentions I thought I'd share some of the ways I'm doing that! 

Being a visual person I like to have goals written down or visual cues to keep me motivated and inspired. This is part of why I love Pinterest so much (give me a follow if you're not already to see what I'm up to!). This year I wanted to make vision boards that covered the main areas that I have goals for this year.  They're fun to make, super cute, totally easy and a nice visual reminder to go back and take a look at if you feel yourself veering off track. Before I delve too much into my goals again and share my own boards I thought I'd give you guys some tips for making your own online vision boards...

How To Make An Online Vision Board 

Step One:

Hit up Pinterest for inspiration images! 

Step Two: Decide which program to use:

I used Polyvore for my boards so I'll be sharing how to use Polyvore to make them since it's free and easy but if you're familiar with the program (also free) you can also use Canva.

Step 3: Get to it!

If you use Polyvore you can install the toolbar clipper and just save the images you want to use that way (so easy!). You can then choose a background color for your board and drag and drop the images from your 'My Items' tab. Then save, screenshot or publish your board to keep yourself inspired and motivated!

how to make an online vision board

Now that we've covered a bit of the 'how-to', I thought I'd share my vision boards and share a bit of a refresher on why I'm focussing on these areas this year! Let me know in the comments below, do you make vision boards? What are your goals for the year ahead?



James and I sat down before the new year to make a few relationship goals. One of those was to set a weekly date night. Date night means no phones, just together time - could be anything from building a puzzle together or playing a board or dinner out, a walk in the river valley... what we do isn't as important as being connected and present in the moment is. Each week we're rotating who's in charge of 'date night' and only one of our two date nights per month that we each plan can be one that requires $ (ex going to a movie or out to dinner). James and I have always been very good at communicating and making our relationship a priority but I like this fun challenge to get creative in how we spend our time together so that we're not always just on our butts binge-ing on Netflix! 

relationship vision board


2018 is the year I've vowed to get healthy again - both physically and mentally. My work/life balance was seriously skewed last year and this year I'm making some changes. I'm talking weekends off, having actual 'office hours' (so that I'm not still working at midnight!), taking lunch breaks, cooking for myself, getting my 10,000 steps a day, making sure I et enough sleep and getting back to an exercise routine. When I take care of myself physically I feel better mentally. When I feel better mentally I'm a nicer, more focussed and overall better version of myself than I am when I'm stressed out and stretched to the limits. This year I'll be spending more time meditating, exercising, walking, eating well and living a more balanced life. 

healthy living vision board

Friends and Family

My friends are incredibly important to me as is my family. This year I want to continue to make the effort to see the people who make me happy and who I love spending time with. If you read my goals post you'll remember I mentioned stepping back from people who are negative and embracing those in my life who are happy, positive and inspiring people! This year I want to make many memories with my friends and family and do fun things with my favourite people! 

how to make an online vision board

Work/Career & Finances

After making a few changes early this year I'm ready to tackle 2018 with a renewed focus and energy for growing 204 Park and growing Kresswell. I want to take on more photoshoot styling work for interiors and lifestyle, I want to grow my design business and I want to continue growing this blog! I want to create content that's useful and informative and drives conversation. Financially speaking I want to continue to save and invest and get a bit smarter with how I spend my money AKA less Starbucks drive through trips, less eating out and less impulse purchases! and more investing in our home, our life, our experience and travel.

how to create an online vision board

What are your goals for the year? Are you a visual person who likes to use vision boards to help map out their goals or are you more of a pen to paper person? Let me know in the comments below!
