Coffee Talk: Well Hello There, I'm Back!

Oh hi, fancy seeing you here! It’s been a minute since I’ve posted - and by a minute I can’t believe it’s been over a month! My break while unintentional was much needed. I won’t lie - this year has been off to a bit of a difficult start. In so many ways, there have been so many amazing things happening but I’ve found myself fighting against falling back into old bad habits. (Working too much, not taking care of myself, etc etc) Without boring you with all the details, let’s just say the struggle has been real.

lifestyle blog

January tends to be my ‘recovery’ month from the busy-ness of the holidays (and thanks to some back problems, this one was a physical recovery month too) but then we got hit with the coldest February in 40 years - yup, that’s right - the coldest month in 40 freaking years (!!) and well, that took its toll. Then we headed right into a March that basically kicked my ass in every way imaginable and well, this girl is exhausted! I don’t know if it was mercury in retrograde or what but let’s just say I’m glad that March is over and that I can head into April with the hopes that the sunshine and new month will mean a better month ahead.

As much as I’ve needed to step back to rest up, recover and get my head on straight again I have missed blogging over the past month and I have so many posts that are in the works that I’m excited to share over the coming weeks and months.

So here’s to a new month, a new season and a new attitude! Happy April everyone! More posts coming soon!! xo


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